Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Wire and random thoughts ...

Want to say I LOVE the HBO show The Wire. I've been renting the DVD's and am through season one and part way through season two. But I want to say, I still can't get over the killing of Wallace at the end of the first season. I often wake up thinking about it, as if he were a real person. Anyway, what a great show.

I had been wondering what was up with the insurgents in Iraq using power drills and nails to torture people. It turns out that they were favored by Saddam's torturers. Still, what is up with that? What does it say? God damn, can you imagine? Drilling into living people?

Also, I was just remembering that Bush wanted Bernard Kerik to head the Dept. of Homeland Security. It was a "gut" decision. I wonder, is there anything, anything that could happen that would make Bush second-guess his "gut"?

Also, Quinn Cummings has a blog. What a great writer.


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